Before I answer, let’s see if any of these scenarios sound familiar.  You’re in need of more senior financial leadership than your accountant can provide, but you can’t afford  a full-time Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or Controller.

Perhaps you are:

  • Experiencing exciting growth, daunting financial challenges, or both 

  • Flush with cash after receiving a significant infusion of investor funds, but are unsure about the best way to allocate these resources  

  • Winning bids, increasing sales but not seeing a rise in profits

  • Nervous about the decisions you’re making because you lack data to support how they impact your financial picture

you are in need of strategic financial leadership provided on a part-time basis….or a CFO on the GO! Here are just a few of the roles CFO on the Go can play:

Trusted Advisor to the CEO providing strategic financial leadership and business acumen. Partnering with you and your leadership team to improve business performance and deliver financial results.

Financial Translator bridging the gap between complex financial concepts and practical business strategies.  Helping you understand the language of finance so you can speak it with ease.

Process Engineer creating financial structure and processes that support your business’s growth objectives. Financial management will become routine, repeatable, and reliable.

Designer of the comprehensive financial reporting and analysis you need to make informed decisions. Allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of your financial performance.

As your CFO on the Go, I want you to feel confident in making informed decisions based on accurate and reliable financial information. I know It doesn’t sound super exciting, but think of how much less stress you will feel. At the end of our work together, you will have a firm understanding of your business’s financial health.

Take the first step towards financial clarity and schedule your initial consultation today. Let's embark on this transformative journey together and drive your business towards a future of financial success.