You’re an established business with growing sales but find yourself struggling to manage your finances effectively.

The information provided by your accountant is like looking through the rear view mirror, it tells you where you’ve been but not how to get to where you want to go..

Sales are increasing but you don’t seem to be making any more money.  

Cash flow issues are causing sleepless nights and making it difficult to sustain your business. 

You wish you could get to the bottom of these issues, but you don’t know where to start.

If you're nodding your head right now, you're not alone. These issues are tough but not insurmountable.

I’m here to be your trusted guide.

I thrive on creating financial structure, a solid foundation supporting your business success.  Here’s something that may surprise you…. the same processes and methods I used in multimillion dollar businesses worked just as well for  startups! I am confident they can work for your business.


It’s much more exciting than it sounds! Facing challenges is not nearly as daunting when you have  a firm grasp on your financials. It’s why I’m here to help.

As your Financial Architect, I will create financial models and design reporting to help you make data driven decisions.

to the specific needs of your business. Here are a few examples of how Financial Architect services add value to your business…

Cash Flow Forecasts illustrate potential future cash flow issues. Imagine being able to see  a cash crunch coming 2-3 months in advance. You hustle to bring in new business and avoid the crisis. High fives all around!

Budgeting gets a bad rap as a stressful task no one wants to do. What if you viewed it as a creative exercise? Make a game out of it!  A budget is simply a set of  assumptions about your business at a given point in time. The one thing you know for certain is the business will happen differently than you budgeted. How close were your assumptions? What happened differently and, most importantly, why? Tracking variances to budget can provide tremendous insight into your business.

Financial Forecasting updates the assumptions made in the budget based on what has actually happened in the business and makes adjustments for the remainder of the year. Think of it as the crystal ball predicting the year end results for your business.

Salary Planning is important as your business grows. You may find yourself facing questions about hiring additional staff or offering raises to your existing team. I can help you navigate these decisions by modeling several different scenarios providing a clear understanding of what you can afford. Plus, it’s your chance to give yourself a raise!

Financial Reporting is a powerful communication tool both internally in an organization and externally to investors, bankers, or board of directors. A comprehensive reporting package showcases your financial health, highlights key metrics, and supports strategic decision making. It also allows you to become extremely familiar with your financial information so you can present it with ease, confidence, and authority.

Clear the windshield and provide the tools you need to navigate your way to business success! You’ll have the data you need to 

make informed decisions on how to achieve your growth objectives

communicate your financial results with ease and confidence AND

get a good night’s sleep because you are no longer worrying about cash flow

Don't let financial challenges hinder your business's potential for success. Take the first step towards financial clarity and contact me today to schedule your initial consultation. Together, let's build a solid financial foundation for your business's future.